Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012


So, finally after like 2 weeks or so temperatures once again great  hehe... great meaning no longer in minus...for these two days, so i know... so for now... minus temp is horrible...  and so today we went to make my first man-size snowman ;)

littke did i know thst its not so easy to make a big one.... i realise snowballs ARE heavy.
yea. when they are half a metre in diameter they are. duh. ok. welcome to reality.  so it takes twoo to heave up that big ball to form the body on the other ball..n last a smaller one for the head... phew... much work...

cos orson's still too small, we didn't too much others.... M pulled us a bit on the wooden sledge for fun...lying down on the soft snow was also pleasant... the softest mattress i laid on ;p

its really a reaally cold year this year as min in zuerich hits low of -10C... and the temps must dip so low just whn we came home from summer malaysia....such a shock... well... at least now anything above 0 feels good...

M is gonna make my birthday cake weeee... at least he promised. and he already starting to buy the needed ingreduents hehe... nevermind the results... he has not made any major celebration cakes before so this is quite a challenge... well...the recipe looks simple at least.... major caloric cake... with a total of 350gm of chocs, 250gm of honey, 250 gm butter, 5 yolks... no wonder its called the dreamland aka fantasyland torte....

and shopping update... i now add Fogal to my list of Likes...  really fine stuff... well...Wolford and Falken are fine as well really  really... Europe is the perfect place to get em socks... tho i've seen a Wolford store in Marina Bay Mall, Singapore and HK listed in Fogals website...

well  gotta prep dinner now... looking forward to the moms meeting in Baden tmr ;) just joined this group online to meet moms... more bout the group next time ;)

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Welcoming 2012 !!

Year ended with me baking... like how i wanted it to be haha...

Last night i put my last decoration on the Black Forest Roll, i call it the Schwarzwälder Kirshrouladen :p
adapted with minor changes from Aunty Yochana's recipe 

Like cos i don't have certain things la.. like corn oil i mana ada punya... we have all other oils but none of that... even rarer items like pumpkin seed oil, walnut oil also got but don't have corn oil.. so that got replaced with melted butter..

and cake flour? er... none.. only some all-purpose thingy called white flour here... weizenmehl or something.. or was it weiss mehl? hm.. forgotten.. nevermind... so replaced a small portion with corn flour cos i think i read somewhere some people do that... i have forgotten the science behind it though.. will have to read it again some other time..

my mother never baked or never did bake a successful roll.. which we all call swiss roll.. but they only call it rouladen here to mean a roll... and US call it jelly roll or something...

Aunty Yochana's roll came out looking great, duh obviously.. cos she has so much experience and good skills...her recipe worked fine.. i only hoped that there were more tips on rolling that damn thing...

well u see... whipped cream, even fortified with some gelatine is creamy and soft... so imagine rolling like a sushi... u are effectively applying pressure to the poor cream, causing it to like come out in all the wrong place, squeezing it and all... oh gosh such a mess i must say...

and then i didn't check the size of the tray used to bake it.. well... mine's i have a longer roll...n the cream amount wasn't enough..forced to go out to search at 7evening, a time when the closer stores are already closed..sigh..shal skip the talk on my struggle but finally found an open Coop, just opposite the Hauptbahnhof alive and swarming with fellow humans.. phew..

quite a number of tourists there also.. its obvious when they buy those Lindt chocs made for tourists...mostly small pieces of squares, individually wrapped with pic of switzerland.. mountains mostly..  why people buying those ordinary milk choc i dunno la... ther's so much more than that..but well if u have many friends what can one do????

And my 2012 resolutions??
1. Master German
2. Be more patient... esp at that lil baby who only comprehends baby language...
3. Be more responsible, not leave things lying around our small lil flat.. not create a mess at home..
4. Be better at cleaning.... like not leave some smudges uncleaned at the bottom of the plate...

5. Take less time to make up my mind so that i waste less precious moments pondering the time away...

Now i should motivate myself to clean our table before our Sunday brunch... :p 

Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2011

the christmas that was.. almost was anyway...

So it was all sunny sunshine this morning.. nice weather...
and we didn't have any feast after the friday one with the inlaws cos we were so stuffed we felt a bit sick the next day... M claimed it to be something wrong with the food... me i have no idea.... but least we have a very good reason to eat nothing much but chocolates and little of anything else... i did cook Kimchi soup for us... so we did have something proper... and it was made of homemade kimchi btw.. in case u think i am a very horrible hausfrau... housewife in german...

we are gonna finish the 3rd batch of kimchi i made in winter but then again since we going to Msia in jan it really doesn't matter and i don't see any chinese cabbage in the market and unwilling to use any other ingredients to substitute... so anyway back to the topic of feasting... M's parents did brought with them a nice chunk of smoked salmon... i think its the belly part cos otherwise i dunno where else in the fish u find nice fat... we had the with warm toast, slathered with butter, then salmon slices, onions, capers, rosa pepper, meerreettich (i'd call it european's answer to wasabi) and some pepper... each of us had half a dozen of those lovely toasts and i find myself really too full :p

i wish i wasn't so full cos we still have some Eiercognac (egg-cream-cognac mixture), gift from a friend... it smells nice n alcoholic... i really can't drink much again cos still breastfeeding wth... so M would get the better of it... tsk tsk... must wait for next year... well... i can still have my share of the marzipan chocolate we still have..

now now.. for dinner i'm just gonna be lazy with a pair of sausage, salad and that leftover panna cotta from friday... and maybe some poached pears or watever home canned items in the fridge... Christmas doesn't have to mean a lot of work... its the day u make time for loved ones... and not forget a small gift for appreciation wth haha.. . speaking of which... our theme for this year is pajama... ya.. we even have a theme so that we don't have to scratch our heads till hair start falling to figure out what to buy for each other... its not fair cos M obviously have a much better chance of buying me something prettier... this i realise as i scout around the men's dept of globus... tsk ts... so failed... men pajamas are boring....

while women have silky ones, lacy ones, transparent, semitransparent and wth else... men only have comfy ones really... i'll think of a better theme next year... will will will....

Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011

more baked goods

Flammkuchen - crisp pizza but with creme fraiche insteada of cheese

Krautstiel wähe - Swiss chard wähe
its reall fun and easy making items such as these for lunch really really....

for flammkuchen teig, simply knead together 200gm flour, 100ml water, 1tbsp oil and some salt. Rest a bit and roll it out thin. Poke holes with fork. Spread the creme fraiche, top with onions, bacon and etc and pop into oven at highest temp 200-230C for bout 20 min